Friday, April 23, 2010

Blessed Storms

During stormy weather
Clouds seem to lose their glow;
Gathering together
They darken Earth below.

The leaden sky explodes;
Rain pelts the ground with force
Threatening to erode
The soil without remorse.

Clouds rumble, roil and moan;
Lights split the sky in two;
Earth's creatures hide and groan
Birds bid the air adieu.

Though dark clouds hide the sun;
Though they are glum and gray -
Without them we're undone
For they send life our way.

They're smiled on by the Son
He formed; sent each of them;
A blessing every one;
A mystery to men.

Bringing much needed rain
Enabling life to grow;
Though storms can cause much pain
We need their blessed flow.

When storm clouds gather close
And life seems dark and bleak;
When foes attack; oppose
Leaving us battered; weak.

Remember that each cloud's
A blessing in disguise -
Sent by God; allowed
To strengthen; make us wise.

~ Belinda van Rensburg ~

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Yes, No, Maybe?

On 14/4, Ser Keat, one of our members shared with us a story:

A father had 3 children - a girl, an 18-year-old boy and an 8-year-old boy.

The 18 year-old boy asked the father for a shaver. The father said yes, and gave it to him.

The 8-year-old son asked his father for a shaver. The father said wait.

The girl asked her father for a shaver. The father said no. =P

God is like that..He says yes, no and maybe at different times.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose" ~ Romans 8:28

Prayer Walk

Last CF (21/4), we went prayer walking!

Basically, we prayed for everything we saw as we walked round the whole school...At first, we agreed that 1 or 2 people will pray for each place, but when it came to more popular places (ie. Bilik Disiplin, Bilik Guru, Tapak Perhimpunan), everyone seemed to have a prayer to add!

It was pretty fun..and we believe TBM will truely be blessed by our prayers =)

We love TBM! Praying to transform it! =p

Posted by YP

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

About God =)

God is the wisest God I've ever known...

Oh wait! He is THE one and only God!!! =P

posted by YP